El Salvador
El Salvador's economy is dominated by the services sector, which employs two thirds of the workforce and accounts for over 60 percent of the country�s $45 billion GDP. El Salvador's total annual trade with the rest of the world runs at more than $12 billion, with imports outweighing exports bu 2:1.
Government policies have fostered the opening of new export markets, encouraging foreign investment, modernizing the tax and healthcare systems, and stimulating the economy. The government views private investment, both domestic and foreign, and increased trade as crucial to development. As a result, El Salvador, which has a population of over 6 million, has the most open trade and investment environment in Central America, surpassed in Latin America only by Chile and Mexico. CAFTA is making the environment even more attractive and is viewed as a critical element in helping to achieve the government�s economic objectives.
With the U.S. dollar as its currency, El Salvador is committed to monetary stability and disciplined fiscal policy. Consequently, the country offers a steady and growing market for a wide range of U.S. goods and services. Among the market sectors offering the best opportunities for growth are: automotive parts and service equipment, electric power generation and distribution equipment, food processing and packaging equipment, medical equipment, telecommunication equipment and textile materials and machinery.
For more information about El Salvador, visit any of the following links:
Doing Business in El Salvador, U.S. Department of Commerce The World Factbook, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Background Note: El Salvador, U.S. Department of State Country profile: El Salvador, the BBC The World Bank Group. Doing Business: El Salvador Florida-Origin Exports to El Salvador Florida's Merchandise Trade with El Salvador